Please click on a policy to view more information about that policy.
Statement of Professional Ethics
- Librarians must provide the highest level of service through appropriate and
usefully organized collections, fair and equitable circulation and service
policies, and skillful, accurate, unbiased, and courteous responses to all
requests for assistance. - Librarians must resist all efforts by groups or individuals to censor library
materials. - Librarians must protect each user’s right to privacy with respect to
information sought or received, and materials consulted, borrowed, or
acquired. - Librarians must adhere to the principles of due process and equality of
opportunity in peer relationships and personnel actions. - Librarians must avoid situations in which personal interests might be served
or financial benefits gained at the expense of library user, colleagues, or the
employing institution.
Ethics Statement for Public Library Trustees
- Trustees must promote a high level of library service while observing ethical standards.
- Trustees must avoid situations in which personal interests might be served or financial
benefits gained at the expense of library users, colleagues, or the institution. - It is incumbent upon any trustee to disqualify himself or herself immediately whenever
the appearance of conflict of interest exists. - Trustees must distinguish clearly in their actions and statements between their personal
philosophies and attitudes and those of the institution, acknowledging the formal
position of the board even if they personally disagree. - A trustee must respect the confidential nature of library business while being aware of
and in compliance with applicable laws governing freedom of information. - Trustees must be prepared to support to the fullest the efforts of librarians in resisting
censorship of library materials by groups or individuals. - Trustees who accept appointment to a library board are expected to perform all of the
functions of library trustees.
Alcoholic Beverages Policy
The library does not allow the consumption or serving of alcoholic beverages anywhere on library property. The board may provide exceptions only for after-hours, library-hosted fundraising events with prior approval by the DHCLS Board of Trustees, with said approval provided during a regular board meeting prior to the event, using a licensed vendor and in compliance with applicable regulations.
Borrowers Policy
Borrowers Policy
Library cards are issued at no cost to patrons who provide a valid government issued photo ID and proof of residency in Houston County or Dothan, Alabama. Proof of residency must include a current Houston County or Dothan City address. DHCLS also offers cards at no cost to anyone who works, attends school, or owns property in Houston County, as well as active duty military and their dependents who are stationed at Fort Novosel.
Paid membership library cards are available for $25 a year to nonresidents, temporary users of the library, or to those who otherwise cannot provide acceptable proof of residency.
Library cards are issued to individuals and must be used only by the person who signs the card.
Three types of library cards are issued:
- Youth Only
- Youth General Access
- Adult
Youth Only – Youth Only library cards can only borrow materials in the children’s section and is the default card designation for all patrons under 19 years of age, unless specific authorization is granted by the parent or legal guardian to convert the card’s borrowing privileges to Youth General Access (outlined below). Youth Only cards cannot borrow items from the Library of Things, Subject in a Box items, or Limited Access items.
Parents or guardians are responsible for the selection of appropriate materials and for any fines or fees incurred by their child. Only a parent or legal guardian may register a child for a library card. The parent or legal guardian must present valid government issued photo ID and proof of residency at time of card registration.
Youth General Access – Youth General Access cards are for individuals under the age of 19 whose parents or legal guardians have granted them access, in writing, to materials beyond the Children’s Section. Youth General Access cardholders cannot borrow items from the Library of Things, Subject in a Box items, or Limited Access items. Materials in the remainder of the library collection are available for checkout. Parents or guardians are responsible for the selection of appropriate materials and for any fines or fees incurred by their child. Only a parent or legal guardian may register a child for a library card or authorize a change in the borrowing privileges associated with their child’s library card. The parent or legal guardian must present valid government issued photo ID and proof of residency at time of card registration or at any time that the minor’s borrowing privileges are changed.
Adult – Adult cards are issued to patrons who are 19 years of age and older. Adult cards are able to check out any item in the library, including items from the Library of Things, Subject in a Box items, and Limited Access items. Upon turning 19, individuals with Youth cards may apply for an Adult card.
Exceptions to policies related to card designations may be granted by the Director on an individual basis.
Residency, Identification, and Documentation Requirements
Residency/Eligibility | Documentation Needed | Notes |
Houston County or Dothan Resident |
Non-Resident: Works, Attends School, or Owns Property in Houston County or Dothan |
Non-Resident: Fort Novosel Active Military and Dependents |
Non-Resident: Does Not Qualify for Free Card |
* Identification/documentation that lists a P.O. Box as an address is not acceptable for library card issuance unless accompanied by documentation with a non-P.O. Box address. Valid documentation for this includes a utility bill, bank statement, paystub, checkbook, lease, etc. The names on all documents must match.
** Photo identification that does not have your current home address on it is acceptable but must be accompanied by additional documentation that does have your current address on it. Valid documentation for this includes a utility bill, bank statement, paystub, checkbook, lease, etc. The names on all documents must match.
The library does not allow the consumption or serving of alcoholic beverages anywhere on library property. The board may provide exceptions only for after-hours, library-hosted fundraising events with prior approval by the DHCLS Board of Trustees, with said approval provided during a regular board meeting prior to the event, using a licensed vendor and in compliance with applicable regulations.
Code of Conduct
Click Here to read the Code of Conduct policy.
Community Information & Bulletin Board Policy
Please click here to view the Community Information & Bulletin Board Policy.
Collection Development Policy
It is the mission of the Dothan Houston County Library System (DHCLS) to transform lives by providing resources needed to educate, inform and entertain the residents of Houston County, Alabama. This Collection Development Policy will provide the framework for the growth and development of collections in support of the DHCLS’s mission.
In order to meet its mission, DHCLS will provide all citizens of Houston County materials that reflect a wide range of views, expressions, opinions and interests. It is the responsibility of DHCLS Staff to maintain and develop physical and online collections by following the guidelines set forth in the Collection Development Policy. As part of strategic planning, the Collection Development Policy will be reviewed regularly to ensure it is a living document that addresses up to date collection concerns.
It should be understood that the DHCLS collection may include items that may be unorthodox or unpopular with the majority or controversial in nature. Acquisition of these items does not constitute endorsement of their content by DHCLS, but rather makes available its expression. DHCLS provides free access to materials in a number of formats (print, media and electronic) to all customers. Users make their own choices as to what they will use based on individual interests and concerns.
Selection Criteria
All materials, whether purchased or donated, will be considered in terms of the criteria listed below. An item does not have to meet all of these standards in order for its addition.
- Popular interest or demand
- Contemporary significance or permanent value
- Currency of information
- Accuracy
- Local emphasis
- Relevance to community needs or interests
- Readability or ability to sustain interest
- Treatment of subject to age of intended audience
- Reputation of author, publisher, producer or illustrator
- Publisher print run
- Creative, literary or technical quality
- Nationally recognized literary or A/V awards
- Critical assessments in professionally recognized review sources
- Format and ease of use
- Circulation statistics and trends
- Cost and availability
- Relationship to existing materials in the collection
- Whether a title is part of an existing series
- Relationship to materials in other area libraries
Priorities of Selection
- DHLCS should plan to acquire, within its budgetary limitations, all types of materials needed to meet its obligations. Items may include books, pamphlets, documents, periodicals, maps, microforms, audio-visual materials, software, and online databases.
- When lack of funds limit purchases, current in-print publications of lasting value, regardless of format, will be given priority over out-of-print publications.
- Holdings of other area libraries will be considered when selecting subject areas for intensive collection or large purchase items. Consideration will be given to both the privileges and responsibilities of cooperative acquisition plans and interlibrary loan procedures.
- The number of copies of any title shall be dependent upon demand by patrons and the size of the population served.
- While DHCLS is sympathetic to the needs of students, including home-schooled students, it is not the responsibility of DHCLS to provide curriculum-supportive materials for them.
- DHCLS will not purchase textbooks.
- Materials that should not be acquired or added to the collection include literature in languages not justified by community needs, religious materials designed to be used for proselytizing, or purely propagandistic literature.
- In selecting materials, DHCLS staff will use as many selection and bibliographic management tools as possible, including: book selection periodicals such as Booklist and Publishers Weekly; Books in Print; Public Library Catalog; Children’s Catalog; Book Review Digest; Dewey Decimal Classification; LC Subject Headings; professional journals such as American Libraries and Library Journal; databases such as OCLC; and bibliographies such as Magazines for Public Libraries, Reference Books for Small and Medium-Sized Libraries, and any other useful bibliographic reference works.
- DHCLS staff will strive to find at least two professional reviews of any item before considering it for purchase. Librarians may also consider purchase of items based on advertisements, author tours, television and radio coverage, and direct mail.
- In light of the current abundance of vanity publishers and print-on-demand publishers, the Library does not purchase all local authors’ works. DHCLS will accept donations of such works with two reviews for consideration. Decisions to add any local author’s work to the collection is done following these Collection Development guidelines.
Weeding Criteria: age, use, condition, and relevancy all play a role in deciding when a title is no longer fit for the collection. This process is subject to DHCLS staff’s discretion and are only intended as guidelines for maintaining a relevant and current collection. The process for deselection is detailed as follows:
- DHCLS staff runs a report that identifies the publication date and circulation count for each title in the collection. The titles that have not circulated within the recommended time frame for each Dewey Classification, are identified for deselection.
- Each title that is identified for deselection is evaluated for condition and relevancy to the curriculum and collection. Considerations are made for titles that are considered cornerstone works in their particular field, have cross discipline relevancy, have prior circulation history and are in good condition, and/or are the only title in their respective field/area within the classification.
- Items that have been identified for deselection may be offered to the Friends of the Library, may be donated to other charitable organizations, or may be recycled.
Time Frames for weeding of nonfiction material based by Classification:
- Identified for review if title has not circulated in past 3 years
- 000s – Computer science, information & general works
- 500s – Science (general science, biology, mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry, earth science, zoology, paleontology, botany)
- 600s – Technology (medicine, health, nursing, engineering, agriculture)
- Listed for review if title has not circulated in past 10 years
- 100s – Philosophy & Psychology
- 200s – Religion
- 300s – Social Sciences (anthropology, sociology, political science, economics, law,
- education)
- 400s – Language
- 700s – Arts & recreation
- 800s – Literature
- 900s – History & geography
For fiction, reference, children’s, and young adult materials, DHCLS must consider the limited space growth needs of the collection. Titles will be considered for weeding based on age, condition, use and relevancy. If a title is in poor condition but has yielded high use, a new edition will be ordered to replace the current one. When space restricts the addition of new titles, the oldest titles with the lowest circulation count will be considered for weeding to make room for the new titles in order to keep the collection current and relevant. Reference materials that are weeded and considered to still be in good condition and relevant to the community may be moved to the non-fiction collection and made available for circulation.
Any DHCLS patron who would like to request the reconsideration and the reclassification or removal of an item in the DHCLS collection may submit a Request for Reconsideration of Library Material form, which is available at all DHCLS locations. In response to a submitted Request for Reconsideration of Library Material form, the DHCLS Director will appoint a committee of three professional library employees to review the work in its entirety, evaluate whether the item was selected in accordance with the Collection Development Policy, and provide a recommendation as to the item’s retention, reclassification, or removal. The Director will evaluate the recommendation and render a decision. This decision will be issued to the patron within sixty days of the receipt of the request.
If the patron is dissatisfied with the decision rendered by the Director, the patron may notify the Executive Committee of the Dothan Houston County Library System of Board of Trustees. Notifications must be submitted in writing, must include specific information as to why the work is objectionable, and must be received within ten business days of the issuance of the Director’s decision. Notifications should be sent to the following address:
Dothan Houston County Library System
ATTN: Chair, Board of Trustees
P.O. Box 1369
Dothan, AL 36302
The Executive Committee will then determine whether the particular title was selected in accordance with the Collection Development Policy and will make a determination regarding the item’s retention, reclassification, or removal.
The item in question will not be removed from circulation during any step of the review process. Decisions reached through the Materials Reconsideration Process shall remain final for a period of five years from the latest date of issuance. During this five-year timeframe, subsequent reconsideration requests for titles that have already been evaluated through this process will be dismissed.
Purchase Suggestions
DHCLS welcomes suggestions for titles to consider purchasing. To suggest an item for purchase, please fill out a “Request Item for Purchase” form, which can be found on the DHCLS website ( Before submitting a purchase suggestion, please check the catalog to verify that DHCLS does not already own the item. Submitting this form does not guarantee the purchase of the suggested item. The suggestion will be evaluated based upon the DHCLS Collection Development Policy and current budgetary constraints.
Additional Collection Development Guidelines
The Dothan Houston County Library System collection may include titles related to sexuality, sexual development, sexual health, and sex education. Given that individual sensitivities vary, great care and consideration are taken so that titles related to these subjects are acquired, classified, cataloged, and shelved appropriately and in accordance with the criteria outlined in the Collection Development Policy.
Additionally, library sections designated for minors will not contain obscenity, sexually explicit content, or other material deemed inappropriate for children or youth. The library will also not acquire materials advertised for consumers under the age of 18 that contain obscenity, sexually explicit content, or other material deemed inappropriate for children or youth. The library collection, including those areas for children and youth, may still include age-appropriate materials regarding religion, history, biology, or human anatomy.
Furthermore, titles related to sexuality, sexual development, sexual health, or sex education that contain visually explicit depictions of people engaged in sexual activity will be cataloged as “limited access” and will not be available to cardholders under the age of 19.
Titles that contain graphic and gratuitous illustrations or depictions of sexual acts, unnecessary to the work taken as a whole, will not become part of the collection.
Click here to view the Materials Reconsideration Form.
Computer and Internet Use Policy
Please click here to view the Computer and Internet Use Policy.
Please click here to view the Temporary (Guest) Pass Policy.
Displays Policy
Displays Policy
In an effort to connect patrons with the variety of materials, programs, resources, and services made available through the Dothan Houston County Library System, the library may utilize promotional displays. These may include displays on purpose-built display furniture, on top of and throughout library shelves and stacks, and on the library’s website and across its digital platforms.
The final responsibility for the display of library materials is held by the Director, although he or she may delegate day-to-day responsibility for displays to professional and paraprofessional employees throughout the system.
Library staff will use the following criteria in making decisions about display topics, materials, and accompanying resources:
- Relation to library collections, resources, services, exhibits, and programs
- Community needs and interest
- Availability of display space
- Historical, cultural, or educational significance
- Connection to other community or national programs, exhibitions, or events
In addition, the library may collaborate with other community resources in developing displays and exhibits, and may partner with other community agencies, organizations, educational institutions, or individuals to develop and present co-sponsored displays and exhibits.
The library will strive to include a wide spectrum of opinions and viewpoints in library-initiated displays and exhibits, as well as offer displays and exhibits that appeal to a range of ages, interests, and needs. Materials selected for displays shall take into account relevant guidelines and criteria outlined in the Collection Development Policy, although library-initiated displays should not exclude topics, books, media, and other resources solely because they may be considered to be controversial.
Inclusion in a library display does not constitute any endorsement whatsoever by the Dothan Houston County Library System of the content of the display or exhibit or the views expressed therein.
Donation Policy
The library welcomes and encourages gifts of materials (including but not limited to books, audiobooks, CDs, DVDs, records, and other print and audiovisual media), with the following conditions:
- The Library retains unconditional ownership of all items donated to the library.
- The Library makes the final decision regarding the use or other disposition of any donation.
- The Library will not accept any materials whose state or condition would pose a threat to human health and safety (for example, books with mold or other dangerous pathogens).
Prospective donors may contact the Library to discuss donations and procedures before bringing them to the Library.
At the request of the donor, the Library will provide documentation acknowledging its receipt of donated materials. The Library will not provide an assessment of value for any gift of materials, whether for tax purposes or for any other reason.
Filming & Photography Policy
Library of Things Policy
Loan Policy Chart
A maximum of 40 items may be checked out on a single library card at one time. An item cannot be renewed if another patron has placed a hold on that same item.
Only patrons with an Adult card may borrow Subject-in-a-Box kits. Only patrons who have been in possession of a valid library card for 30 days may borrow items from the Library of Things.
Reference, Local History, and Microform materials cannot be checked out. They are for in-house use only; patrons may make photocopies of these materials for use outside of the library (printing charges apply). For Microfilms, a microfilm reader is available for use at the Main Library. Please inquire at the Main Library Circulation Desk for more information.
Type of Material | Loan Period | Checkout Limit | Daily Fine Per Item | Maximum Fine Per Item | Holds Allowed |
Books | 21 Days (2 renewals) | 40 | 25¢ per day | $15.00 | 20 |
7-Day Books | 7 Days (2 renewals) | 5 | 25¢ per day | $25.00 | 20 |
Lucky Day Books | 7 Days (no renewals) | 5 | 25¢ per day | $25.00 | 0 |
Large Print Books | 21 Days (2 renewals) | 40 | 25¢ per day | $25.00 | 20 |
Paperbacks | 21 Days (2 renewals) | 40 | 25¢ per day | $10.00 | 20 |
Juvenile Books | 21 Days (2 renewals) | 40 | 10¢ per day | $10.00 | 20 |
DVDs | 7 Days (2 renewals) | 5 | $1.00 per day | $20.00 | 20 |
Audio Books | 21 Days (2 renewals) | 5 | $1.00 per day | $25.00 | 20 |
Videogames | 14 Days (2 renewals) | 1 | $1.00 per day | $70.00 | 1 |
Subject in a Box | 21 Days (2 renewals) | 2 | $1.00 per day | Cost of Replacement | 20 |
Mobile Hotspots | 14 Days (no renewals) | 1 | $10.00 per day | Cost of Replacement | 1 |
Library of Things | 7 Days (no renewals) | 2 | $10.00 per day | Cost of Replacement | 2 |
Board Games | 14 Days (no renewals) | 1 | $1.00 per day | Cost of Replacement | 1 |
Laptop | 2 Hours | 1 | $0.00 | Cost of Replacement | 0 |
Study Rooms | 1 Hour (renewals upon availability) | 1 | $0.00 | $0.00 | 0 |
eBooks (SEADL) | 14 Days | 5 | $0.00 | $0.00 | 5 |
Meeting Room Policy
Please click here to view the Meeting Room Policy.
Privacy Policy
Protection of confidentiality does not extend to records of outstanding fines or fees; payments for the use of Library premises or equipment; or communications directed to the Library regarding Library services.
Public Comment Policy
Individuals interested in addressing the board during a regular meeting should submit a Public Comment Request Form.
Members of the public are welcome to provide comments at the Regular Meetings of the Board of Trustees within the limitations set out below. Due to time constraints, the maximum number of individuals allowed to comment at each Regular Meeting is five (5), and each speaker is limited to five minutes. Public comments are typically only allowed at Regular Meetings and not at specially called meetings of the Board.
Requests to Provide Public Comment
Requests to provide comment must be submitted in writing through the Request Form available on the library website no later than noon on the Wednesday prior to the meeting. To be approved, the following information must be provided on the Request Form: 1) Full Name; 2) Physical Address; 3) Topic of the Remarks; and 4) Name and Address of the Group if the person intends to speak on behalf of a group.
If more than five requests are submitted for a single meeting, the Executive Committee will determine the requests to be granted. The Board may limit the time or the number of speakers if it appears that multiple requests are the same or similar. Preference may be given to individuals who have not previously had an opportunity to speak. Individuals will be notified by the Director in writing prior to the meeting if their requests are approved.
Addressing the Board
When called upon by the Chair, the individual should give his or her name and address. If representing a group, the speaker should also identify the group before beginning his or her
Each speaker is limited to five minutes. Occasionally, time may be extended or shortened at the discretion of the Chair. Speakers are not allowed to donate time to another speaker.
All remarks should be addressed to the Board as a whole, and not to any individual trustee, library employee, the media, or the public. The Board encourages speakers to be concise and move to the point quickly. If the speaker wishes the Board to consider any evidence or data, it
should be submitted at this time.
Public comment is welcomed as constructive input for the Board. It is not intended for debate or discussion. At the close of the comments, the Chair will acknowledge the speaker and thank the person for coming forward.
At all meetings, order must be preserved. No person may delay or interrupt the meeting or otherwise disturb the Board or any person who has the floor. Persons making irrelevant or slanderous remarks, or who fail to confine their remarks to the identified subjects, or who become unruly or disorderly shall be cautioned by the Chair and given the opportunity to conclude remarks on the subject in a decorous manner within the designated time limit. Anyone failing to comply may be barred by the Chair from making additional comments at the meeting.
Any individual who fails to relinquish the podium when asked by the Chair to step down shall be subject to removal from the premises. Any person who becomes disruptive or interferes with the orderly business of the Board may also be removed from the premises for the remainder of the meeting. Disruptive individuals may be prohibited from addressing the Board in future meetings.
All persons present must follow the instructions of the Chair or the Board with respect to the conduct of the proceedings; however, a majority of the trustees present may overrule a decision of the Chair with regard to this policy.